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About Mr Klein

 Born in Philadelphia, Mr Klein's family moved to Upper Dublin where his entire elementary and secondary education took place.  Mr. Klein participated in a variety of activities like FBLA, Science Fair and community organizations and sports, including football, soccer, wrestling, track and fencing.


Mr. Klein then attended Brandeis University where he studied pre-med and history, with a late minor in education.  He graduated with Honors in History in 1989 and then took part in a post-baccalaureate semester to complete his education minor and earn History Certification in Massachusetts.  He earned Varsity Fencing letters all four years at Brandeis, culminating in his participation in the NCAA Championships, helping Brandeis finish 10th, for its highest ranking in its history as of 2023.  During his student-teaching semester, Mr. Klein helped coach the saber fencers of the Concord-Carlisle High School Fencing Team.


Upon his return to Pennsylvania in December of 1989, Mr. Klein attended Villanova University where he earned a Master's Degree in Political Science in 1991 on his way towards certification to teach secondary Social Studies in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. 


His first teaching job was in January of 1992 at the Akiba Hebrew Academy teaching 7th and 8th grade Social Studies and English. 


Mr. Klein transitioned to public schools in 1993, teaching 7th and 8th grade at Tamanend Middle School until he moved to Central Bucks East and West in 1997, teaching Academic and Honors Recent American History, Academic and Honors American Politics and International Relations.  After taking a graduate seminar in Comparative Politics at St. Mary's College in 1999, Mr. Klein began teaching AP Comparative Government, and moved permanently to CB West in the 2000 school year.  Mr. Klein has also taught Basic Economics, Academic and Honors Modern World History, and Academic and Honors American Government and Economics, Psychology and 8 years of AP US History.


During his years in the high schools, Mr. Klein has been nominated four times for Who's Who Among America's Teachers, completed another 32 credits of graduate education, worked on numerous curricular committees designing curriculum, designing assessments, selecting books, and developing new scope and sequence for the Social Studies Department, trained four student teachers (two of whom became faculty in CB) advised after school clubs, and began a fencing club in 1999 that has seen a number of its graduates go on to compete on the NCAA level.  But most importantly, the students in Mr. Klein's classes have learned - learned content, skills, work ethic, self-respect, respect for others and some have developed a love for history and political science.  Many of these students have gone on to study at the nation's top universities like Princeton, Cornell, GWU and Georgetown.  Some have even returned and are now teaching in CB.


During his teaching career, the most important events of his life occurred - he met and married his wife in 1996, trained and raised his two Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs, Kasha and Moonshine, refurbished and made into a home a 1900s farmhouse and most importantly experienced the births, maturing and many graduations of his three children, Evan, Sam and Jordan.


Having just retired from full-time teaching after 32 years in the classroom, Mr. Klein still feels the calling to help educate young people, just in a more individualized manner.  Focusing on American history, Modern World History, and most particularly political science (either Comparative Government and Politics or American Government), Mr. Klein will help design an individualized plan to help your student achieve their academic goals.  The main focus will be on helping with content understanding, thinking skills, reading and writing  skills, and to test-taking strategies.