AP Comparative Government and Politics

 This Link will open the course description of AP Comparative Government and Politics from the College Board.  This course is a college-level introduction to the comparative study of state systems and their political components.  This course introduces students to a series of paradigms and tools to develop a lifelong critical perspective on the working of these government systems.


               Mr. Klein's AP Comparative Government and Politics (link to my website - you will need to request access after you create your own pbworks account) course focuses on the study of political science theory and methodology (please refer to course outline for more information about the scope and sequence of this course).  This link to Unit 1 Documents will connect you to all of this unit's ancillary reading documents found in the pdf file and the other documents listed on this page.  Please refer to the table of contents link for a listing of the documents and their page numbers in the pdf as well as the analysis of politics and government in specific states.  The six countries are Great Britain, Russia, the People’s Republic of China, Mexico, Iran and Nigeria.


                A primary goal of the course is to increase the students’ understanding of the political traditions, values, structures, and processes of different political systems.  Students will gain understanding of and develop judgements about issues within each state and between states to develop an understanding of the problems inherent in governing a country.  Students will examine the politics, processes, institutions, cultures, histories and public policies of each country.


                As a college level course, expectations include extensive textbook, current events and ancillary reading, research, debate, lecture and very participatory discussion.  Students are expected to work collaboratively through this website mrksapcompgov.pbwiki.com/ to produce a group presentation.  A final course examination is required and students are expected to take the AP examination in May.